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Josée Marielle Lusignan


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Hi, and thanks for stopping by!

I am fascinated with people, projects and businesses focused on making our world better; I want to know and understand what drives them and help them connect the dots to maximize our collective potential. This vast universe of changemaking and uplifting the changemakers ignites me like nothing else.

I am a social entrepreneur invested in conscious leadership, emphasizing the well-being of humans and communities, and their relationship to the environment.

I consider myself to be a modern-day pioneer who believes that global change begins with self-reflection and authenticity. The values that guide my everyday actions are kindness, community, and – (what I think is the key to happiness and peace) – acceptance.

I am a communications strategist trained in Wraparound facilitation and… believe it or not, a former ordained minister (emphasis on former, but still very much with a heart to help and heal).

So far, my journey has resulted in significant achievements in the areas of social and environmental change, including reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, helping vulnerable families out of poverty, spirituality, building a global network of changemakers, and projects that promote sustainable living.

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Areas of Expertise

Mobilization and Strategy

Philanthropic/Impact Strategy

Indigenous Relations

Sustainability Coaching for Businesses and NPOs

Communications Strategy

Facilitation and Hosting

Event organizing

Current Projects


Facilitator and liaison

for the Noire-Coulonge biodiversity reserve involving Indigenous territorial rights holders and provincial, municipal, local community & business stakeholders


Co-founder and leader

of Good4.Global, a social enterprise where I coach SMEs and nonprofits on sustainability, maximizing their impact around values-based strategies


Founder and leader

of Soaring Circle, a national nonprofit that presently works with 20 Indigenous communities across Canada to help youth access career and entrepreneurship opportunities


Podcaster / blogger

where I take a deep dive into the motivations of everyday people leading extraordinary lives, from the 125+ Indigenous communities I have worked with… and many others in near and far places


Projects Highlights

Bones of Crows film
National tour organizer

Organized screenings and community conversations in 40 cities and Indigenous communities ahead of this award-winning film’s cinematic and television release. Survivors shared their stories, to foster dialogue on intergenerational trauma and healing.

Be The Love for ONE Better World, Event organizer

Historic live event with the Dalai Lama and 12 cutting-edge, global influencers including Killer Mike, Susan Rockefeller, Clover Hogan and Coeur de Pirate,  who sought guidance from the Dalai Lama on how to deliver actionable hope for humanity and advance the SDGs.

Les Prix Merci, Gala and Regional campaign organizer

Bringing together politicians and community leaders, this gala hosted by popular news anchor Pierre Donais of TVA-Gatineau-Ottawa, celebrated the tireless work of thousands of caregivers for the elderly in the Outaouais region. Prior to the gala, organized a regional media contest to capture the stories of love and courage from caregivers who all too often go unrecognized.

The Grizzlies film,
National tour organizer

Organized screening and community conversations in 41 Indigenous communities, primarily across Nunavut and Nunavik, ahead of this acclaimed film’s cinematic release. The community-led conversations brought together youth and wellness workers to discuss suicide and mental health.

Indian Horse film, National tour & Premiere gala organizer

Organized screenings and community conversations in 45 remote and semi-remote Indigenous communities ahead of this award-winning film’s cinematic release. This was the first tour of its kind ever organized. For most communities, it was also the first time that a public event was held to collectively reflect on and share conversation over the devastating effects of residential school. The opening gala provided an opportunity for politicians and community leaders in Ottawa to see the film.

Justin’s House, Project and media campaign organizer

Mobilized hundreds of businesses, including over 35 companies in construction and trades, to tear down and rebuild a house for a severely handicapped boy whose house had been condemned four years prior. Each day, Justin would suffer multiple epileptic seizures due to mold issues, which in turn were affecting his overall life expectancy.

NHL Ceremonies to honour Indigenous peoples, Organizer

Organized and scripted the first-ever ceremonies to honour Indigenous communities on-ice at the NHL and bring nation-wide visibility to the subject of reconciliation. Two events were held:  one at the ACC during a game between the Maple Leafs and the Oilers that was broadcast over Sportsnet, and another in the U.S. with the Buffalo Sabres. These events sparked a movement across the NHL.

Les Soirées Franchement, 

In my quest to demystify spirituality and engage in meaningful dialogue about our values, I have organized surprising panels with politicians, judges, historians, religious leaders, journalists, etc. to discuss hot social issues. My first event took place in a packed auditorium at Cégep de l'Outaouais and was followed by many events in smaller venues – still always packed! 

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Hyper-T, award-winning Inuit hip hop artist

“Josee is a beautiful soul who wants nothing more than to give positive energy and knowledge to others so they can become successful or at least guided toward the right road. I have witnessed countless times how her work has impacted Indigenous communities and helped fight against the suicide epidemic.”

Christine Haebler, Executive Producer of the multi award-winning Canadian film Indian Horse

“By all standards and accounts, this historic tour of the movie Indian Horse in 45 remote Indigenous communities was profound for the communities, and for Canada. I believe it is in large part a result of Josée’s vision, leadership, sensitivity, and ability to communicate, organize and mobilize. Above all, it is a demonstration of her great heart of compassion and selfless devotion to the advancement of truth and reconciliation.”

Nadine Tomagatick, Attawapiskat First Nation, ON

“I met Josée in 2017. At the time, I lived in Attawapiskat First Nation and my living situation wasn’t good… to the point that I wanted to end my life. I felt worthless, unsafe, and unloved. I reached out to Josée through Messenger one night, telling her my situation and everything. Josée saved my life; her unconditional love saved me. She helped me change my perspective on life, I experienced so many things because of her. I’ll always be grateful for Josée and I’m glad she is still a part of my life.”

Rock Poulin, Senior Partner
PPTA Financial Services and innovator in the philanthropic sector

“When I think of Josée, what comes to mind is her sheer determination coated in kindness. She has a quiet yet reassuring strength, making her a pillar we can depend and lean on. Her vision has led us to implement innovative and tangible solutions, and she definitely holds our admiration.”

Paul Turpin, Change Strategist (and former neighbor and collaborator)

“Josée is an impact leader best described by the words empathetic, generous, relational, visionary and committed. She has an exceptional heart, always giving her best, and her projects are deeply human. She has a capacity to understand the people she serves, and to build long-term relationships with them. Her motivations are sincere, and individuals and entire communities are transformed by her expansive positivity.”

Jean-Yves Lord, Director General
L’Appui Outaouais (a support network for caretakers of the elderly)

“I have worked with leaders around the world and have met few that consistently exemplify the deep core values of collaboration, integrity and generosity of time and spirit, as Josée does.” 

Josée-Anne Perron, with Éric, Justin and Érika

“With her team, Josée rallied several businesspeople, donors and the entire community to give us the greatest gift in the world… A NEW HOUSE!! For us, Josée was the angel who gave us a second chance in life. But above all, she offered our son Justin a new healthy life, in a wonderful home that is adapted to his special needs! A thousand times thank you!”

Sébastien Racette

“Josée is a strong woman, a guide who supported me and my son through many trials. Her dedication to others is limitless and her energy is contagious. Thank you Josée for coming into our lives...”

Jennie Champagne

“Through my anxiety attacks, Josée listened to me and taught me to breathe. I suffered so much... but today I know how to overcome my difficulties and move forward. Josée is the voice in my head that tells me to get out of bed every morning and face what life has in store for me.”

Chronology of Projects

2020 - Welcome to Plaisance

An entrepreneur at heart, I acquired the old town hall of the municipality of Plaisance in Quebec and proceeded to renovate it to make it the head office of Soaring Circle and Good4.Global.

In the midst of a pandemic, my team and I ensured that more than 2,000 children in Quebec and Ontario would have a happy Christmas, including nearly 50 children in Plaisance. -

“Let’s revive small towns!”

2015-2022 – Ideal Way Association

For 7 years, I served as general director of the Ideal Way Association, an organization helping the most vulnerable families escape the cycle of poverty through holistic support and coaching. We built homes, provided food to thousands of families, and mobilized hundreds of local businesses to help!

“Let’s get vulnerable people out of the cycle of poverty”


2012 to present – Soaring Circle

I founded Soaring Circle to extend friendship through tangible actions in a nearby Algonquin community. With the help of my life partner, the late Iain Speirs, the organization grew to a national scale, mobilizing leaders, celebrities, students, community groups and Canadians everywhere. I have led large-scale historic events, facilitated community conversations in more than 125 remote communities on sensitive topics like intergenerational trauma and suicide, and presently operate skills labs for youth in 20 communities.

“Reconcili-Action is a step towards healing.”

2020 to present – Good4.Global

In 2018, I was introduced to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and challenged to re-examine my life's work. Despite the good and real impact on people's lives, I have always yearned to transform systems that, so far, have failed to serve humanity well. 

Good4.Global (G4G) is the culmination of my work and life purpose. Today, with my partners, G4G is a thriving, multi-platform community of business leaders, NPOs, philanthropic leaders and citizens collaborating to advance the SDGs.

“If it is to be, it's up to US!”

Young and Ready!

At the age of 5, I dared to tell anyone who would listen that one day I would change the world!



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